My Work
This section is designed to give you a brief impression of my prior work experience and account for the types of work that I have undertaken so far. I have been able to attain a number of positive, work-related references that you can find to the right.
Current Employment
As Project Manager at Bundesdruckerei, I am currently responsible for projects aiming to digitize public administration services. In this capacity, I can fully apply my knowledge of agile methods and my extensive experience in planning and coordinating software development workflows in the field of e-government.
Prior Experience
Previously, I utilized my project management and sales expertise at Jonas & der Wolf, a specialized digital agency in Berlin. While serving as Senior Technical Project Manager in a complex software development project for Deutsche Bahn, I significantly expanded my command of agile workflows and methodology.
Before that, I worked for seven years at ]init[, a German digital agency focusing on public administration and finance clients. The services offered by the company encompass development of large web portals, complex specialized applications, IT consulting, hosting, and content creation, as well as editorial services. I was initially employed by ]init[ in early 2012 as a Content Editor in Berlin, but soon took over responsibility for various clients as Project Manager.
In January 2014, I was promoted to Sales Manager responsible for the EU market, and later the same year, again, to Regional Manager in charge of the ]init[ office in Brussels. Over the next four years I upheld close contact to the company's key EU accounts, which required not only a good understanding of technical aspects and the economic framework of the EU market, but also allowed me to leverage my inter-cultural and language skills. In 2018 I returned to the headquarters in Berlin, where I was again entrusted with responsibility for key clients as Professional Project Manager.
As Publications Manager at the German chapter of Wikimedia, the support association of Wikipedia, from 2010 to 2011 I gained in-depth practical experience while conceptualizing, planning and implementing a book project to mark the tenth anniversary of the encyclopedia. Тhе collaboration with publishing house Hoffmann & Campe, and coordination as well as editorial oversight of nearly 100 authors required a highly structured workflow.
During my university career I undertook part-time and project-related work as a student assistant at the consulting company BUB Dr. Benölken Unternehmensberatung GmbH in Kassel and Dresden for the duration of five years. Participating in various projects has not only improved my research and time management skills, but provided me moreover with an understanding of financial institutions and management consulting practices.
Mandatory Civil Service
My twelve months of mandatory civil service were spent at Schlösser und Gärten Dresden. This assignment taught me to appreciate manual labor, but also confronted me with some of the complexities, that a genuine commitment to historic landscaping and the upkeep of century-old architecture imply.

Here you can download a number of work-related references.
- Bundesruckerei (2024)
- Bundesruckerei (2022, interim reference)
- Jonas & der Wolf (2020)
- ]init[ Digital Communication (2018)
- Wikimedia Germany (2011)
- BUB Dr. Benölken Unternehmensberatung (2008)
I have also gained professional experience by completing several internships.