Curriculum Vitae
On this page you can find some basic facts about my CV, such as schooling records or academic history. For work-related information, you should visit the according section in the navigation menu. You are furthermore welcome to explore a few related documents, which can be found to the right in PDF format. Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you have questions or remarks regarding my CV or educational background.
Primary & Secondary Education
I have received my elementary schooling up to the fourth grade in my country of birth Bulgaria, where apart from the many deficiencies of socialist societies, the education system was formidable, if tainted for older students by intense propaganda. Having moved to Germany in 1990, I escaped such undue political influences, as I continued my school career until graduation in 2000. Intermittingly I had the chance to spend some time in the United States, where I received a High School Diploma in 1998. After serving twelve months of mandatory civil service in Germany and working odd jobs or doing internships or for a short time, I finally took up the pursuit of higher education in 2002.
Tertiary Education
The first stretch of my university career was spent entirely at the TU Dresden, where I studied political science under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ismayr and Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt as well as a number of other distinguished researchers. Some of my early areas of interest included the relationship between religion and politics and the prominent role of the United States in international relations. Subsequently, I focused my attention on the political process in particular geographic regions (North America, South East Europe, East Asia, European Union), in addition to international security and energy policy. Simultaneously, I majored in communication studies and was influenced by the internationally renowned Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Donsbach. My work in this scientific field concentrated on media effects research, public opinion and online communication in all its facets. In 2008 I received the academic degree of "Magister Artium" (M.A.) with very good results, which was supplemented by a Japanese language certificate (UNIcert I).
My second stretch of scientific endeavor took place at the University of Tübingen, where I participated in the postgraduate course “Japan Intercultural Competence” and researched Japanese language, history, society and politics. As part of this course and thanks to generous financial support by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach-Foundation I was able to attend Doshisha University in Kyoto for one term and to spend a few months in Tokyo. To round my immersion into Japanese culture off, I subsequently completed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N4.
Special Skills
Apart from the analytic research skills, which I acquired in university, I do posses notable IT expertise. My IT proficiency encompass a wide range of useful skills, such as photo processing and implementation of complex graphical tasks in Adobe CS, system administration on Windows platforms, basic LINUX competence and proven experience with CMS, MediaWiki, web design and of course MS Office.

Even if not numerous, I am especially proud of my scientific and popular publications.
- Everything about Wikipedia (Editor)
- Minority Politics in Bulgaria
- The Bulgarian Party System in Motion
Here you can download some of my school records and university diplomas.
Over the years I have managed to attain a number of certificates in specific areas of expertise.