Welcome to My Personal Website
The aim of this website is to provide you with information about me, Boris Marinov. I am a German citizen of Bulgarian extraction, and have been living on and off in Germany since 1990. Having grown up in a communist state and having been fortunate enough to experience the political transition in Eastern Europe first hand, I have a profound interest in all matters political. To a certain degree, this long-held curiosity of mine also explains my professional orientation.
I am an experienced Project Management Professional (P.M.P.) in the software industry and a political scientist with a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree from TU Dresden. The focus of my scientific work lies on international security and energy policy, the European Union and the regions of North America, Southeast Europe and East Asia. Additionally, I majored in communications, specializing in public opinion and online media.
Please use the navigation menu at the top or bottom of the site to gain access to further information on me, my CV, prior work experience and related links. If you want to contact me about my interests, for professional reasons or just out of curiosity, please feel free to do so.
Website Information
As you can see, this site is available in the different translations reflecting my language skills.
Furthermore, I have refrained from including every bit of information about myself on this website for reasons of privacy protection. Therefore please do not consider the content of this site to be a complete or exhaustive representation of me as a person.

Latest News
Project Manager at Bundesdruckerei GmbH
In my new position at Bundesdruckerei, the German state-owned manufacturer of banknotes and ID documents, I assume overall economic responsibility for client projects and coordinate sub-projects for software development and high-security IT solutions. Thus, my focus remains on digitalization of state administrations and topics related to e-government.
New position at digital agency Jonas & der Wolf
I started 2019 with a new job as Senior Technical Project Manager at the digital agency Jonas & der Wolf. Applying agile methodology, Jowo delivers tailored software for the transportation and energy infrastructure business domains. Among others, they work for Deutsche Bahn, Mercedes-Benz and pipeline operator Nord Stream.
Continuing work at ]init[ back in Berlin
After four years in charge of the company's office in Brussels, I am continuing my work for ]init[ at the Berlin headquarters. As Professional
Project Manager, I am supporting their realignment away from international clients and towards the German market. In parallel, I moved to the suburban city of Falkensee.
Posting to Brussels with ]init[ Europe
Since January 2014 I have been put in charge of the European market as а Region Manager for ]init[ AG. Therefore, in August I
moved to Brussels, taking over responsibility for the company's office there. Now, proximity to the EU and other international organizations allows me to focus my attention on institutional affairs.
New web portal: "Brandenburg Business Guide"
As my first major web development project at ]init[ in 2013 I helped create an extensive map-based business portal. My role consisted of convincing our client, the Brandenburg Economic Development Board (ZAB), with the initial tender, serving as deputy project manager responsible for team coordination, and requirement engineering, conceptual design, as well as documentation.
Work at ]init[ AG providing Services for eSociety
From March 2012 I am working for ]init[ AG in Berlin. This innovative company is one of Germany's largest Internet agencies, delivering high-quality solutions to its public administration clients and focusing on eGovernment and eSociety services. At ]init[ I am providing clients with editorial support, content strategy and conceptual design for effective online communication.
New book: "Everything about Wikipedia"
With the publication of this book, which explains the specifics and inner workings of Wikipedia, my project at the German Wikimedia chapter has finished. The book with its 350 pages and close to 100 authors was released in late 2011 by the renowned publishing house Hoffmann & Campe. Principal responsibility for its concept, execution, editorial supervision and marketing lay with me.
Article on: "Minority Politics in Bulgaria"
This scientific contribution to the Biannual Journal for South-East European History, Literature and Politics was published in 2011 and highlights the situation of minorities in the political system of Bulgaria. The full text can be found here.
New occupation at Wikimedia Germany
Starting in October 2010 I am working at the German chapter of Wikimedia in Berlin. I am truly excited, as I have promoted their ideas and the spread of free knowledge in general for a long time. I will be managing an important offline project, which is set to accompany the 10th anniversary of Wikipedia in 2011.
Half-year academic stay in Japan
Until April 2010 I am undertaking an academic stay in Japan's old capital Kyoto. There, I will further develop my language
skills and encounter the culture firsthand at the Doshisha University. My heartfelt appreciation goes to the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach-Foundation for its generous financial support!
Work for Hill & Knowlton Germany
From the beginning of 2009 I am working for the highly renowned PR agency Hill & Knowlton in Berlin. There I will be supporting the PR team of a large European energy infrastructure project for a few months.
Out now: "The Bulgarian Party System in Motion"
This 2008 publication on the Bulgarian party system is a result of my master thesis in political science. Encompassing some 180 pages the book deals with one of the most volatile European countries in terms of political party development.