Related Links
In this section I present you with a number of interesting links, that I consider somehow related to my academic background or my personal interests. Here you can also find a few links to various websites of my family and friends.
- website dedicated to my book "Das bulgarische Parteiensystem im Wandel"
- my father Mario Marinov's professional advertising photography website
International Media Outlets
- entirely viewer-funded and intl. operating, video news network The Real News
- RealClearPolitics is an independent American political news website
- much quoted, high-quality alternative news nexus The Raw Story
- balanced source of EU-oriented news and information EUobserver
- left-leaning German language online news and commentary site TELEPOLIS
- Neue Gegenwart focuses on media journalism and online media developments
- German online magazine on culture-related topics Perlentaucher
- aimed at IT professionals, heise offers technology news in German language
More Links of Interest
- WORLDMAPPER is a collection of "proportional" maps on different subjects
- UK blog MediaLens is trying to correct the distorted vision of the corporate media
- American blog Talking Points Memo is offering breaking news and analysis
- the research institute MEMRI serves as a useful scientific resource about the ME
- Berlin based, English language news site and think tank Atlantic Community
- the German foundation SWP is a think-tank on foreign and security policy issues
- watchdog site BILDblog focuses on Germany's largest circulation newspaper
- Liberal Review is a Bulgarian language blog about politics and society
- well-known and respected Bulgarian journalist George Papakotchev’s Blog
- Midnight Eye serves as a principal resource on Japanese cinema
- an extensive film journal with a large archive can be found at Strictly Film School

Personal Favorites
Get a uniquely liberal perspective on the news and opinion website AlterNet.
Amy Goodman's progressive cult TV news program Democracy Now! with an extensive archive.
And just to keep it somewhat balanced, here is the conservative side of things on NRO.
To avoid succumbing to the usual day-to-day media frenzy entirely, here is Conversations with History as a truly contemplative program.
Watch free video courses and lectures from some of the world's leading scientists and universities at Academic Earth.